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Best comment
- Briar Benoit: Dont use mesh tape
- RiverRuns NC: Speaking of staggering the sheets and above the door... is that only for outside walls? I am closing my loft into a bedroom. Curious if that applies if its and interior wall of the house.
- My Coins Your Purse: Sweet. That was way easier than I thought.
- Ron Whipple: Much better than the one made by a drywall manufacturer I won't mention by name. In this one they actually used a guy who has experience taping. Although as a so-called expert, I do miss the laughs that I usually get out of watching the blind leading the blind in most drywall "instructional" videos....
- patrick o donnell: Unbelievable
- Nicolas Zaroyan: These videos make me want to break something in my home just so I can fix it😊
- Chayo Parro: por eso están llenos de plagas, construyan correctamente
- Guide504: What a load of crap. Just put up the drywall, tape the joints with scrim tape and thistle coat skim it. This can be done in a day!! And a far better finish. Dry wall is supposed to save time not take 3days of filling sanding and farting about only to then skim it for a "professional" finish. Any one would think you have stock in the products. Naughty boys!
- Thaddeus James Moody: Mike Brice fill coat is debatable, primer is important though for sure.
- Randy Plett: How to tape drywall: Step 1. Pay someone to tape drywall for you.
- Raynell Holmes: Bellamayven I want to rub your walls.
- Mike Brice: k well I skipped fill coating and primer in the section of wall I replaced and I look great
- Maxkil: I like the part where you roll on the compound, Ive never actually done that but it looked like it works well. Definitly an easir way to apply a runny mix. Check out my demo
- Shifty Squirrel: Tip: DO NOT USE NAILS in drywall... Not ever... ITS 2018
- LORENA CONCEPCION: Muhammad Ameen 😆
- gantmj: +Xavier Holland You can see the list for yourself, and it doesn't have 1/2" in it. That's indisputable. It's your opinion that it doesn't really matter, but that's irrelevant to my comment. The website is inconsistent with the video, and missing important information. Just because you are so great (even though you didn't understand my first comment), doesn't mean other people are. I never said Lowe's was liable for anything. I said they made a mistake on their website. Do you want me to say that your dick is bigger? Will that help your ego?
- speedwayman100: let me ask you a question about drywall i have at least 3 rooms of drywall damage do to rain if it has mold will i see black on the drywall or could i possibly not have any mold just damage from the rain?
- trudee blue: After you buy all the required tools, I question how much money will be saved, given the time needed. That's the biggest DIY barrier for me, buying tools that will be used once every 3+ years.
- SilveradoBass12: Nice Video!
- K Schneider: I want and need to build a wall, but ughhh this looks like way more work than I wanted. Want to build my wall lady? lol
- Lowe's Home Improvement: Hi, Shepherd. Cost will depend on the size of the repair. Thanks for watching.
- Yu Lo: my dad need to replace a door frame, before it was wood cuz and its broken because of home invasion, my dad wants the door frame to be metal.
- Briar Benoit: This dudes trash 😂😂😂
- AudiChoiron: poor jery
- ASYella: love all ur ho to videos and it's so educational!! thank u so much :D
- Nelson Ellingham: Just one and done it
- Shepherd Wolf VGCPE, UTTPH & AKKTK: Lowe's Home Improvement ok
- Mike Brice: This seems excessive to me. What is the point of a fill coat let alone a dry wall primer? Sounds like a money grab. Drywal compound is perfectly paint-able after the first application.
- Khyber Safi: Hey now, a friend of mine was killed when he was adding compound to the wall without safety glasses. A 2,000 LB piano fell on him from the second story by accident. He would be alive today if only he was wearing his safety glasses. #RIP-BobbyNumbNuts
- Ana Ramos: +Xavier Hollan
- selfdisplaced: What are you in for?
- tony leigh: nail your outside is ok screw the field
- daniel barrera: sky king. dude NO. the half inch is to avoid water ruining the wall
- Lowe's Home Improvement: For this project, nails are used only because it's easier & quicker to install while you're holding the piece in place. Ultimately, though, the screws will hold their position better. Thanks for watching!
- A.J. Ello: Now I understand why so many people hate taping/mudding/sanding.
- Shepherd Wolf VGCPE, UTTPH & AKKTK: I'd love to paint my bathroom that same color as that wall at the ending
- patdio58: I have been a contractor for 35 years. I like watching these videos for fun. This one was actually above average, when speaking of proper techniques. Everyone has there own, as the way they were taught. I read some of the other comments, such as "no need for more than one coat", or "no need for primer" . That is inexperience commenting. Your finished product is only as good as your prep ! Three coats +, as someone mentioned, is a definite. I tend to do a quick, light sanding between coats. Again, just a personal preference. As is putting a "skim" coat (fill coat), on new sheet rock, seems a bit excessive. I do a skim coat on older walls that are bit rough, rather than sand, which could tear the existing sheet rock. I started out at 16 sheet rocking for $25 a day, I was the helper, with two "cutters". All new construction, and it was a tough day, with 12', 14' and even 16' , (all three guys to carry the 16's) ! Most days we would hang, 80-90 boards. there was no walking, it was all hustle, as they were getting paid by the board. I would fall asleep in the car on the way home, and "while" eating dinner !! No need to go to the gym back then, it was like doing free weights all day, overhead presses, squats, curls, dead lifts, etc !! It is a rare sight to see an "old" sheet rocker ! After about 4 years of that, I decided to become a Licensed Master Plumber. Then we only had to bring 650 pound cast iron whirlpool bathtubs up to the second floor, or 1200 pound boilers down to the basement, "much easier" !
- Lowe's Home Improvement: +Chinese Contractor the gap allows floor and wall expansion without cracking the drywall. You can find step-by-step details here: http://low.es/1UUtpIl Thanks for watching our video.
- shadow faze: Raynell Holmes show us how you o it, then
- Andrew Gutierrez: Hell ya that dudes a leftie too
- clboy 5: Brianny Gillis even buying the knives and trough, sanding flats and drill bits for drywall, it is less than half what a good hanger will charge. You will have about $100-$150 in tools. I charge a rate based on how many sheets it will take and a factor of story I'm working on. Second story taking 14 sheets ( over windows/cost as if there was no window) would be a $1500 quote for hanging. All cost through sanding. Painting more. Disposal of old wall more. Etc
- P. Prasad: I really appreciate the videos! It's so easy to follow and super simple to execute.
- toyotrustPR: Great comment.
- Bay Whedon: When I get applying the compound I usually have music playing But then I start to dance and all of my compound gets wavy and messy
- Bellamayven: Idk how I ended up here but this is the most educational video i've ever seen! Now I want to build a wall for no reason lol. Great job!
- gantmj: +Xavier Holland "You should know 1/2" by the time you're about to install it." That's not necessarily true, and none of your concern anyway. The conversation is between Lowe's and myself. You're second comment should have read: "Oh sorry, I see. Honest mistake." That would've been the end of it. However, your ego won't allow you to let it go, and now you've resorted to being hostile.
- Bev Bry: is corner seam tape optional or standard?
- tony leigh: new drywall will suck up that paint
- ImmoralJester: Well why are you running into the walls mate...
- WPWW: are nails better than screws?
- Enoch Dahal: This is becoming my teacher in doing any replacements, remodel, fixing and installing things at home and in the yard
- Mdmahin Uddin: Sky King
- Luis Eduardo Ambriz: Too late but commenting for future problems. As soon as drywall gets wet you need to either hire a drying company or go to home depot and rent out some equipment. First you will need some air movers usually one per wall. A moisture reader to check for humidity in the drywall. Its good investment if you buy it or you can also rent it out. And a dehumidifier. This is not always needed specially if it’s the middle of the summer and you live in a drier climate but if the water damage was extensive or you live in a humid/cold environment then best to rent one also. Usually one per room. If it has molding that needs to go. Wood molding can usually be saved. Once the air movers are in place, dehumidifier has been set up with a proper place to drain the water it collects and molding removed then it can usually be dried in 2-3 days. If it’s not drying by the first day then you might have to cut a bit of the drywall and remove any wet insulation. Mold grows relatively quickly so the sooner the better. Seems like a lot of work but will save time and money. If you leave it wet it will dry but mold will likely appear and worse case scenario can damage the studs. Hope that helps!
- David Santos: if you painted your walls with semi gloss, put some tape on it and take it off. Enjoy watching your paint peel off!
- Lowe's Home Improvement: Think of it this way; the drywall on the wall is there to support the ceiling. The ceiling is installed first and the wall is installed tight against it. Gap at the floor allows for expansion and also prevents moisture wicking. Hope that helps clear it up.
- web: Just got a rough estimate for an unfinished basement... mudding, taping, some paint primer: $3000+ not including hauling or hanging drywall.
- JMJArkansas40 nature: What if you have to replace part of your kitchen wall and in some areas the new dry wall comes out even with the existing drywall and in other areas the new dry wall sticks out some from the existing dry wall? It's the same dry wall tthats coming out even as the piece that's sticking out some. I just don't get it
- proverbs2life: I love you
- Aleta Austin: Any tips for hang ceiling drywall for a woman who is doing it alone
- John P: +Khyber Safi I actually loled! haha
- shadow faze: Raynell Holmes do
- V3racious: +Sharon S Libby Wesley be sure to get the mice out of there first
- Khyber Safi: Haha.
- Lowe's Home Improvement: No, just at the floor.
- Nile Gilmanov: good to know, thanks!
- grimandproper: Funky bathroomwall
- Clorox Bleach: +Zachery Moody yea true
- Shepherd Wolf VGCPE, UTTPH & AKKTK: Clorox Bleach Drywall is not waterproof, so Concrete backing is water resistant. Recommended for showers
- Steven Dunn: It also keeps moisture from wicking into the drywall from the floor. If your wall is higher than 8', take small blocks of scrap drywall and lay them on the floor next the wall. Place that 1st row of drywall on the blocks, giving you the gap needed. After screwing the drywall in in place, Remove the blocks with your hammer.
- tony leigh: where ever you nail it should end up being taped over or cornerbead over them
- Lowe's Home Improvement: It's pretty necessary for getting a smooth, strong joint. Thanks for watching!
- AMBASSSIDOR: Soooo muchhh compound!!!!!
- Stunna BadazzX: Yeah hire a professional.
- Vicky Daza Butler: Miss my remodeling days, glad to see that I do know how to do drywall work. Thanks for the reminder. Now, looking around the house to see if I can do a patch job.
- Lowe's Home Improvement: Sorry for the confusion, @161saint161. A skim coat is usually applied to the entire wall. However, you work in 4 ft. sections so that the compound doesn't dry on the wall before you skim it smooth with the knife.
- Kenneth Frank: Drywall next to door frame
- pterodox123: Let's see how many products they can fit into one video! Wow....
- brianx04: No compound under the yellow stuff? Is that stuff sticky?
- James Bond: Bellamayven hahaha that what I do for a job ..and it's not that fun
- patrick o donnell: Thats super rough
- cheff Solo: Thank you Lowe's
- Lowe's Home Improvement: +Aleta Austin working overhead is always tough and the weight of drywall makes ceiling installation a two person job. You may also want to consider renting a drywall lift. Thanks for watching our video.
- J. Cullinan: With that amount of mud in those specific sections, how are those sections still flush with the parts of sheet rock that don't have any on them? I feel like you'd get huge areas that are slightly raised.
- Clorox Bleach: well "my" house has a concrete wall, i like concrete better than drywalll, cuz drywall dents easily.
- Chinese Contractor: Great Video. What is the purpose of lifting the drywall half inch off the floor?
- Sky King: Lowe's Home Improvement why would the wall expansion but not the ceiling? both are from the same material.
- Efren Pedraza: This is too excessive I’ve done jobs like this and unless they’re paying the extra money this won’t be done that way
- Nile Gilmanov: Just reducing liability, never underestimate the power of stupid people :)
- Muhammad Ameen: excellent video. i now know that i will never attempt to hang drywall myself.
- Chris Johnson: I'm no expert by any means, but usually after drywall gets wet enough then it just needs to be discarded as lingering moisture can still develop mold, even if the moisture is minimal. I recommended changing to green board if you're having moisture problems as it is mold resistant.
- Lord of Deer: No need for nails, you have screws
- Wolfie 367: speedwayman100 the mold may be on the inside of the wall and you may not see it. You need to fix that water problem ASAP. I had a water leak in my house and by the time it started showing through the drywall the damage in the wall was way more significant.
- LORENA CONCEPCION: If I ever come across a mouse hole, I’m turning it into a cute, tiny door like the ones in Tom &Jerry.
- mportklr: dude is wearing safety glass when he is adding compound to the wall....i'm tired of all the safety hippies.
- Di Si: Thank you Lowe's good complete information ever seen about drywall. God/Jesus bless those peoole who work in the video
- Shepherd Wolf VGCPE, UTTPH & AKKTK: how much did this cost?
- Gear1993Head xxx: I hate almost nothing more than sanding joint compound lol. Applying polyurethane is a close second.
- gantmj: +Xavier Holland Ha ha.
- HORROR 2K: can you please tell me why you put the last coat on drywall only at a four foot section
- Brianny Gillis: you can rent them from a rental company. i have a million of them where I live so its just a quick call and anywhere between $10-$50 a day for machines that are in the hundreds-thousands of dollar range. the even rent out small stuff like chainsaws and power drills up to machinery.
- Ross Hardie: Well that explains why I run in to so many butchered jobs!!!
- Sharon S Libby Wesley: I have to fix a big mouse hole
- M Alves: J. Cullinan the tapered edges becomes even with the rest. The non-tapered or butt joints are in fact higher - although if feathered correctly it fools the eye into thinking it’s even. I know it seems hard to believe. I’m a DYIer myself and couldn’t believe it until I tested it with a large drywall knife.
- Timothy Herzog: Could the narrator talk any faster?
- Rentovsky: Randy Plett lol
- Raynell Holmes: Too many layers on that cake.
- Lowe's Home Improvement: Hanging drywall requires patience, that's for sure. Thanks for watching A.J.
- Lowe's Home Improvement: You're so welcome, +Jimmy Dore! Hope you find it helpful!!
- Jimmy Dore: Thank you for this video!
- Pablo Freire: What a very interesting video!!! greetings from Ecuador
- Covamii Blakney: Great video which explains why the sound proofing and how the walls are supposed to look when finished. Great video. I have much respect for contractors and ppl that install dry walling.
- Stunna BadazzX: +Sky King The reason you place the rock 1/2" off the ground is in the invent water gets into the house it wont get on the wall. secondly there is no need to place it directly on the floor because usually you will cover that with a strip or would or "base board" which can be like 2-6" wide. Expansion hardly has anything to do with this.
- JEFF WILLIAMS: Bellamayven what's your IG name?
- Xavier Holland: +gantmj It's not a conversation. This is the comments section. I am hostile. Brutally hostile. This is youtube. And you're incorrect on all accounts. If you install the wrong size anything on your house, Lowes isn't liable for dumbass shit you do that isn't code or doesn't meet the necessary application. They specifically tell you to check what size you'll need. I've been to the link, and again, this looks like a case of someone who can't use the internet.
- Sky King: do we need to leave 1/2 in gap for ceiling just like wall?
- Scott Reid: what's the best way to hang drywall, vertical or horizontal, getting conflicting stories from friends. some videos on here show one way and some show the other. which way uses less drywall
- mportklr: LOL...poor Mr. Numbnuts
- Eddie Lancelot: Wow. I'm not talented enough to do this!
How to Hang Drywall | |
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