In this video, i go through my interpretation of the fresco paintings used in the Pribyslavitz church when it is fully upgraded in the From the Ashes DLC for Kingdom Come Deliverance. I go full on DeVinci Code to discover the truth behind the plaster.Check out My Patreon to Show Your Support --- the Ashes Lore Guide | What...
Hiển thị các bài đăng có nhãn kingdom come deliverance combat. Hiển thị tất cả bài đăng
Hiển thị các bài đăng có nhãn kingdom come deliverance combat. Hiển thị tất cả bài đăng
Chủ Nhật, 18 tháng 11, 2018
From the Ashes Lore Guide | What do the Frescos in the Church Represent?
Kingdom Come Deliverance All Outer Jackets (Combat Jackets & Pourpoints)
In this video, i go through one of my absolute favorite articles of clothing in Kingdom Come Deliverance, and that is of course the combat jacket/ joupon/ pourpoint. This list shows as many variants as i could find throughout the game, including several that i believe were added with the from the ashes dlc.Check out My Patreon to Show Your Support ---
Gaunter O'Dimm's 8 Tips For a Good Playthrough in Kingdom Come Deliverance
This video is brought to us by a dedicated fan, Gaunter O'Dimm, who wrote this script for me, in the form of a very detailed comment on one of my videos. This list contains his top 8 tips for a good game in kingdom come deliverance.My Other Video --- Channel --- out My Patreon to Show...
Absolute Best Defense Armor Guide For Light Armor in Kingdom Come Deliverance
This video guide is an answer to the many requests i have received to make a best defense armor guide for light armor. This is the absolute best AAR (Average Armor Rating) suit i could construct while still maintaining the Light Armor Perk. This is the ultimate suit for Dodging and Agility Based Combat in Kingdom Come Deliverance.Check out My Patreon to Show...
Henry Goes to Prison and Sings Folsom Prison Blues by Johnny Cash | Kingdom Come Deliverance
In this Kingdom Come Deliverance Video, i clip a section of gameplay from a few nights ago when i got arrested and decided to sing folsom prison blues while in jail, thus proving that the entire song "Folsom Prison Blues" by Johnny Cash can be sang during the prison sentence for Crimes in Kingdom Come Deliverance.Check out My Patreon to Show Your Support ---...