One thing you need in email marketing is a really great subject line. If your subject line is terrible, your subscribers won’t even open your email. The first trick is to get your list of subscribers to open their email. You can’t sell them on anything, even an idea without them opening the email.
Here are my personal tips on how to write the best email subject lines.
First and foremost, make sure it’s a non-box subject line; ie - swipe emails
Be friendly and even silly if you must
Make sure you deliver in the email, ie .. no click bait
Practice daily writing a new email
Jot down subject lines in Google Doc for later use
Make sure you let them know “what’s in it for me”
Sometimes you can do the blatant offer
And at the end of the early bird sale you’ll want to use urgency
Most of all - be human, tell a great story always works to build trust
If you can get them to open the email, you can sell them the product you are trying to get them to buy. That’s the key, they have to open the mail so you can sell them (pitch them) what you are trying to sell them.
The subject line is the first thing that your email list sees. Make it count, and you’ll get more opens, and eventually once you have built that trust, you’ll receive more clicks (sales).
Post Production Notes: You can just listen to me stumble through my talking without having to watch me awkwardly make weird eyebrow moves, hand gestures, etc…. YES - I’m not on the camera at all in this video! First one where I don’t appear on camera!
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The Best Email Subject Lines | |
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How-to & Style | Upload TimePublished on 25 Jun 2018 |
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