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Thứ Tư, 20 tháng 2, 2019

老美眼中"強迫推銷的愛心筆": Compassion Pen Has No Compassion Stopkiddinstudio

老美眼中"強迫推銷的愛心筆": Compassion Pen Has No Compassion Stopkiddinstudio
粉絲團: https://www.facebook.com/STOPKIDDINST... (不要鬧工作室) 請訂閱不要鬧: https://goo.gl/5Yx5cE 訂閱第二頻道: https://goo.gl/KZ1QU1 老美陳元昊臉書: https://www.facebook.com/squirehorwoo... 音樂: http://audionautix.com/ Jason Shaw "Soul Groove"老美眼中"強迫推銷的愛心筆": Compassion Pen Has No Compassion91,206 views views858,622 followers922 Likes922 DislikesNews & Politics Upload...

讓韓國人著迷的《等一個人咖啡》: Café·Waiting·Love Stopkiddinstudio

讓韓國人著迷的《等一個人咖啡》: Café·Waiting·Love Stopkiddinstudio
粉絲團: https://www.facebook.com/STOPKIDDINST... (不要鬧工作室) 請訂閱不要鬧: https://goo.gl/5Yx5cE 訂閱第二頻道: https://goo.gl/KZ1QU1 夏天Summer的粉絲團: https://www.facebook.com/summer02taiwan 夏天的instagram: 52chi02 音樂: http://audionautix.com/ Jason Shaw "Acoustic 2"讓韓國人著迷的《等一個人咖啡》: Café·Waiting·Love231,000 views views858,622 followers2,309 Likes2,309 DislikesEducation...

第一次吃柚子的老外: Epic Pomelo Challenge in Taiwan Stopkiddinstudio

第一次吃柚子的老外: Epic Pomelo Challenge in Taiwan Stopkiddinstudio
粉絲團: https://www.facebook.com/STOPKIDDINST... (不要鬧工作室) 請訂閱不要鬧: https://goo.gl/5Yx5cE 訂閱第二頻道: https://goo.gl/KZ1QU1 音樂: http://audionautix.com/ Jason Shaw "Soul Groove" 贊助商: 微克詩國際事業有限公司第一次吃柚子的老外: Epic Pomelo Challenge in Taiwan413,784 views views858,622 followers1,570 Likes1,570 DislikesHow-to & Style Upload TimePublished on 15 Sep 2...

Jamilla & Corinna Farewell Party 辣妹再見 Stopkiddinstudio

Jamilla & Corinna Farewell Party 辣妹再見 Stopkiddinstudio
http://www.facebook.com/STOPKIDDINSTUDIO 4 months ago, Jamilla Baan and Corinna Dohmen both came to UCO to start their new journey. They sure did not expect to make so many great friends in this small town, especially during such a short stay. Stop Kiddin' Studio was fortunated to capture this awesome farewell party with their wonderful friends. Special thanks...

《19國隨測》哪國人最會遲到?(不準啦) SOCIAL EXPERIMENT People From Which Countries Are Always Late? Stopkiddinstudio

《19國隨測》哪國人最會遲到?(不準啦) SOCIAL EXPERIMENT People From Which Countries Are Always Late? Stopkiddinstudio
不要鬧粉絲團: https://goo.gl/YGbHmr 請訂閱不要鬧: https://goo.gl/5Yx5cE 訂閱第二頻道: https://goo.gl/KZ1QU1 北門窩泊旅: https://goo.gl/iguzRO 空拍+協拍團隊: 相信印象 https://www.facebook.com/chadlens.tw 印尼女生IG: https://goo.gl/HHLYhN 法國音樂家狄文斯: https://www.facebook.com/divyns 波蘭妙雅: https://goo.gl/MzLhEh 音樂: https://soundcloud.com/divyns (mama) 贊助商: 新竹國立交通大學GMBA 新竹交大網站: http://gmba.nctu.edu.tw/main.php《19國隨測》哪國人最會遲到?(不準啦)...

荷蘭美女"永康街"的進擊 - Yong Kang Street, Taipei, Taiwan Stopkiddinstudio

荷蘭美女"永康街"的進擊 - Yong Kang Street, Taipei, Taiwan Stopkiddinstudio
粉絲團: https://www.facebook.com/STOPKIDDINST... http://audionautix.com/ "Jason Shaw - Majestic Piano"荷蘭美女"永康街"的進擊 - Yong Kang Street, Taipei, Taiwan98,790 views views858,622 followers180 Likes180 DislikesPeople & Blogs Upload TimePublished on 29 Aug 2...